All About the Indicators #1
Introducing our first "crash" course on recession indicators.
Earlier today, we received the exciting news that Demography Unplugged was selected as a featured publication in Substack Discover. If you found us there, welcome.
I’m proud to introduce All About the Indicators, a video series that I am producing with Hedgeye demographic analyst Matthew Ahern. This one is for all of the financial wonks. I take viewers through the whole waterfront of recognized macro signals and explain how to assess their various strengths and weaknesses. Some indicators are high likelihood but have short time horizons. Others are lower likelihood but give us a better perspective on our location in the business cycle. After this overview, I explain which indicators I think are most helpful and offer my view on the current recession outlook.
My hope is that viewers come away with a better understanding of recession indicators and a better grasp of how the economy is doing. We will be producing these videos monthly. Today’s installment is about 70 minutes long, so settle in and enjoy.
My team officially began publishing on Substack one month ago. We’re currently in a special launch period in which most of our content is being sent out to everyone for a limited time. Normally, All About the Indicators is sent to Premium subscribers only. But as a thank you to everyone who has joined us recently, we are sending this first installment out to all subscribers.
Premium Members, you still have exclusive access to the PDF presentation deck (nearly 200 pages) that goes with the video. You will be receiving it in a separate e-mail shortly.
As always, I welcome your feedback. Let us know what you think.