We’re back with the second installment of All About the Indicators, our monthly review of economic signals. As the first month of Q4 comes to a close, we’re taking an updated look at our recession indicators.
Our first AATI video ended up being our most-viewed piece so far. Your feedback and shares mean a lot to us—thank you.
Some housekeeping before the video:
(1) Starting today, AATI and future video series will be behind the paywall. AATI #2 is available now to Premium and comped subscribers only. Premium subscribers can view the video below and download the accompanying PDF. Comped subscribers will receive a separate e-mail with both items shortly.
Other paid subscribers, you will receive a link to the video only next week.
(2) We’ve created a separate section on our site for AATI content (the videos and occasional Indicator Alerts e-mail updates). Everything can be found under the “Recession Indicators” tab. On Substack, readers have the option of subscribing or unsubscribing to individual sections if they choose. (Our other sections include, e.g., the podcast, NewsWires, and Signal & Noise.) If you would like to customize the kind of content you receive from us, follow these instructions.
On with the video…